
About Us

Al Rajhi Bank, one of the largest Islamic banks in the world, began its activities in 1957. It enjoys 50 years of experience in both the banking industry and trade activities. The Bank relies on Islamic Shariah principles as a base for all its activities, and due to its forward thinking vision in banking, it strives to hire fresh graduates and job seekers who enjoy a high level of professional ambition as a sign of encouragement and to give them the opportunity of building a promising future. Al Rajhi Bank works on training young potentials through innovative programs that empower the Bank’s employees by increasing their competence and their productive capacities. In addition, the Bank offers attractive starting salaries, regular salary increments, allowances and bonuses. Competitive packages together with unrivaled opportunities make Al Rajhi Bank the premier employer for Saudi graduates.Please explore the 50 reasons behind why you should join Al Rajhi Bank.